KANZ ALBIDAYER, multichampion in every States of the Gulf region since his early years, is one of the first sons of the international champions producer AJMAN MONISCIONE, the European and Nations Cup reserve champion. AJMAN is himself the best son of phenomenal WH JUSTICE, the Nations Cup Gold Champion and European Reserve Champion stallion. AJMAN presents a double cross to legendary US National champion stallion PADRON, who created the world famous line of american champions PADRON - PADRON PSYCHE - MAGNUM PSYCHE.
His dam, DL MARIELLE, is none other than the full sister to World Champion Stallion MARAJJ. She is the daughter of cornerstone broodmare RGA KOURESS, bearing mostly polish lines, and already legendary sire of champions MARWAN AL SHAQAB, the double World Champion, elected best sire of the World Championships each year since 2011. MARWAN is himself the son of World Champion GAZAL AL SHAQAB and of US National Champion Mare LITTLE LIZA FAME.
KANZ is one of the first stallions to result from the Golden Cross of the two best sirelines of champions in the last ten years, WH JUSTICE/MAGNUM PSYCHE and MARWAN AL SHAQAB/GAZAL AL SHAQAB. And most importantly, his very first foals already prove his ability to transmit his incredible genetical power to his progeny, and all this with an interesting consistency.